Günter Brus
Der helle Wahnsinn für Aachen
Die Architektur des hellen Wahnsinns
(Sheer Madness for Aachen:
The Architecture of Sheer Madness),
February 6, 1968
Reiff-Museum (Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule),
Schinkelstraße 1, Aachen
b/w photographs
photo: Henning Wolters
Hermann Nitsch
9th action, June 12, 1965
Nitsch‘s studio, Brünner Straße 132 as well
as in the fields and in a gravel pit in Stammersdorf, 1210 Vienna
b/w photographs
with: Kari Bauer, Günter Brus, Heinz Cibulka, Otto Muehl, Reinhard Priessnitz, Rudolf Schwarzkogler
photo: Günter Brus, Ludwig Hoffenreich, Walter Kindler, Rudolf Schwarzkogler
Copyright 2025 WA-M Wiener Aktionismus Museum GmbH
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15.03.2024 – 31.01.2025
February 2025
Opening: 13.02.2025, 6:30 pm
Exhibition: 14.02.2025 – 18.05.2025
Four Actions
With its second exhibition, the WAM is now going into greater depth. The opening exhibition WHAT IS VIENNA ACTIONISM? first offered an overview of the multi-layered developments of this movement in the 1960s, whereby the individual actions were only presented with exemplary photos. Now, under the title FOUR ACTIONS, an exhibition series is being launched that presents selected actions with all the available historical material. In this way, it will be possible for the first time to understand the actions in all their detail. The aim of the exhibition is to open up new perspectives on the reception of Vienna Actionism through the precise examination of individual actions.
February 25, Thursday, 5:00 pm
Tour through the current exhibition.
March 2025
March 08, Saturday, 4:00 pm
Tour through the current exhibition.
March 09, Sunday, 4:00 pm
Our director Julia Moebus-Puck gives a personal insight into the development of Vienna Actionism.
March 15, Saturday, 3:00 pm
Tour through the current exhibition.
March 16, Sunday, 4:00 pm
Our director Julia Moebus-Puck gives a personal insight into the development of Vienna Actionism.
March 29, Saturday, 3:00 pm
Tour through the current exhibition.
March 30, Sunday, 4:00 pm
Our director Julia Moebus-Puck gives a personal insight into the development of Vienna Actionism.